7 Warning Signs Someone Is Going to Attack You
Every one of us could be a victim of an attack - whether physical or mental. Some forms of attack are too subtle for people to notice, but if you start to feel uncomfortable, your body tells you that something is not correct. If we experience any of the following warning signs, it is essential to act swiftly and not allow ourselves to be harmed so easily. 1) GUT INSTINCT This is your most important weapon; it is your internal alarm. Don't underestimate the power of your sixth sense; whether your intuition tells you so or evidence suggests that someone is observing you or feels like there's a bad vibe coming from the person who approaches, trusts your gut. The subconscious part of our minds are, for the most part, spot-on, to be sure, so don't worry about judging other people in this situation or any other for that matter - listen to what your gut tells you. The subconscious mind is an excellent judge of character and will always address potential threats by sending an incre...